Adding more comment lines to POP Purchase Order – Mariano

Mariano’s latest post explains how to add more comment lines to POP Purchase Order report. The idea is to split the comment text into 80 characters sized fields and then displaying it on separate report sections. I leave you here so you could refer to this awesome piece of post from Mariano. It’s a step-by-step guide on how to do this.

David, way back in 2011, demonstrated a similar approach on his post about adding more comment lines on SOP Documents. It’s worth to remind that post now.


RW Function: RW_GetCommentText

This Report Writer function is another Standard GP Function, which works very similar to function RW_GetNoteText ().

This function is available to retrieve the Comment Text associated with a Comment ID. This particular function is very helpful when we use Comments extensively and create relevant reports with Comments.

The prototype of this Function is:

Function: RW_GetCommentText
Parameter 1: Comment ID (String)
Parameter 2: Number of Characters per Line (Integer)
Parameter 3: Line Number to Return (Integer)
Yes, what you are seeing above is exactly a replica of RW_GetNoteText() function’s prototype and each Parameter’s explanation is exactly the same.
The only difference is that we pass Comment ID, instead of Note ID, and retrieve the Comment Text. And of course, the underlying table is also different.
If someone out there wondering whether to write a function of his/her own to retrieve Comment Text, refer to this article and breath easy. We have a function already.