GP2016 DAG Issue

I am wondering whether someone has already faced this issue and has shared his/her knowledge on this.

My issue is with GP2016 VS Tools Dictionary Assembly Generator (DAG), where it takes more than 10 mins to complete generating DYNAMICS.DIC assemblies. Not only that, it also doesn’t generate Application.MicrosoftDynamicsGp.dll in the first attempt itself.

Look at the following screenshot:

Screen Shot 2017-04-28 at 01.29.38 pm.png

First two “successful” attempts of running DAG created only the metadata files and not the actual DLL. I’m running the DAG for the third time, as I write this post.

UPDATE: Third time’s the charm. I am baffled, though.

I have no clue, whatsoever, about why this is happening.

My question(s) to all you guys:

  1. Have you faced this issue?
  2. If so, what did you do to resolve it?
  3. If you have not found any solution (other than running DAG till it creates the DLL), have you already reported this to GP dev team?

Please shed some light on this by sharing your thoughts on the comments section.
