Dynamics CRM 2013 – Access Denied “SecLib::AccessCheckEx failed” – Error & Resolution #MSDynCRM

It’s been a long time since I had blogged anything out here. Partly due to working on various projects simultaneously.

This post is about one CRM issue faced by one of our CRM users. He was trying to qualify a lead and it was not happening. Following error message was thrown:

Screen Shot 2014-08-06 at 12.40.12 PM

Following is the log file, which explained in detail about this issue:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s=”http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/”><s:Body><s:Fault><faultcode>s:Client</faultcode><faultstring xmlns:xml=”http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace&#8221; xml:lang=”en-US”>SecLib::AccessCheckEx failed. Returned hr = -2147187962, ObjectID: 919e14d1-6489-4852-abd0-a63a6ecaac5d, OwnerId: 3c8fcb46-39f6-4618-80eb-9c12f9f9a021,  OwnerIdType: 8 and CallingUser: 610b8b50-46e6-e311-80bb-00155d071101. ObjectTypeCode: 4703, objectBusinessUnitId: 3271f8a6-83d8-e311-80ba-00155d071101, AccessRights: ReadAccess </faultstring><detail><OrganizationServiceFault xmlns=”http://schemas.microsoft.com/xrm/2011/Contracts”><ErrorCode>-2147187962</ErrorCode><ErrorDetails /><Message>SecLib::AccessCheckEx failed. Returned hr = -2147187962, ObjectID: 919e14d1-6489-4852-abd0-a63a6ecaac5d, OwnerId: 3c8fcb46-39f6-4618-80eb-9c12f9f9a021,  OwnerIdType: 8 and CallingUser: 610b8b50-46e6-e311-80bb-00155d071101. ObjectTypeCode: 4703, objectBusinessUnitId: 3271f8a6-83d8-e311-80ba-00155d071101, AccessRights: ReadAccess </Message><Timestamp>2014-08-06T08:42:07.844046Z</Timestamp><InnerFault><ErrorCode>-2147187962</ErrorCode><ErrorDetails /><Message>SecLib::AccessCheckEx failed. Returned hr = -2147187962, ObjectID: 919e14d1-6489-4852-abd0-a63a6ecaac5d, OwnerId: 3c8fcb46-39f6-4618-80eb-9c12f9f9a021,  OwnerIdType: 8 and CallingUser: 610b8b50-46e6-e311-80bb-00155d071101. ObjectTypeCode: 4703, objectBusinessUnitId: 3271f8a6-83d8-e311-80ba-00155d071101, AccessRights: ReadAccess </Message><Timestamp>2014-08-06T08:42:07.844046Z</Timestamp><InnerFault xmlns:i=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance&#8221; i:nil=”true” /><TraceText xmlns:i=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance&#8221; i:nil=”true” /></InnerFault><TraceText xmlns:i=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance&#8221; i:nil=”true” /></OrganizationServiceFault></detail></s:Fault></s:Body></s:Envelope>

Upon checking those terms on CRM forums and blogs, following post, by Simon Harvey of Rule30, helped me on how to approach this issue: Fixing a SecLib::AccessCheckEx failed error in CRM.

My user’s issue was that he was not having access to read “Process” at the organization level. I had previously set it up to “User” level. After changing the access level as follows, he was able to qualify leads without any issues.

Screen Shot 2014-08-06 at 1.28.24 PM


Most important thing here is that when you query your ObjectTypeCode and corresponding Object Name for code 4703, it will return the name as WorkFlow. Note that on Security Role setup, it’s nothing but Process.

Happy troubleshooting.


GP2013 Web Client – Test Drive #MSDYNGP

It’s been an awkwardly long time since I had written anything on this blog. Now is the time probably to break that jinx.

I have been working on testing GP2013 Web Client on our environment. I have been constantly keeping myself updated with GP Web Client by reading our community blogs and forums, but never had seen it on my own machine till today.

Below is the snapshot of GP2013 Web on my MacBook Pro; on Mac OS X Safari browser.


All you need to do is to install Silverlight for Safari on Mac. If it’s not there, you would be prompted to download and install.

I am now excited to get my customisations work with it. Will post anything that’s interesting and worth to be shared in coming days.


Most Influential People in Microsoft Dynamics for 2013

The official list on DynamicsWorld UK has been published.

The Most Influential People in Microsoft Dynamics for 2013

Some of the GP experts who made it this year:

  1. Mark Polino – #20
  2. Jon Rivers – #30
  3. Mariano Gomez – #42
  4. Frank Hamelly – #46
  5. Victoria Yudin – #74
  6. David Musgrave – #89
  7. Leslie Vail – #90
  8. Richard Whaley – #94

Congratulations all of you who have made it.

Now, let me wait for official *other* list by Doug Pitcher.


Top 5 SQL Server Improvements in NAV 2013

This post is NOT about Dynamics GP. But it’s about Dynamics NAV 2013. I felt this post is very important for those who work on NAV.

Vjekoslav Babic, on Navigate Into Success blog, has shared the top 5 SQL Server improvements in NAV 2013 which is going to considerably increase the overall NAV performance.

Very good post and a must read for those who are NAV consultants and end-users.


The Consumerization of ERP Software – Software Advice

Derek Singleton, at Software Advice, got to have had a short meeting with Christian Pedersen, Microsoft’s General Manager of Enterprise Applications and Services on the topic of how IT consumerization affects Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software in general and what Microsoft’s plans are on it’s own line of products, that is Microsoft Dynamics (GP, AX, NAV, SL & CRM).

Quite an interesting topic, I would say. It’s about the need to change/enhance the ERP experience that would work on par with what we have for our normal day-to-day technological consumption, such as Smartphones, Tablets, etc. It’s all about productivity without affecting a user’s interest and enthusiasm.

Read the article here to learn more: The Consumerization of ERP Software. And those who would like to see the video straightaway, please do so from here:


Dynamic Future – Vote a Feature on Microsoft Connect

Mark Polino, after his uber-successful ways of informing the community about many things in Microsoft Dynamics GP, has found one more brilliant way to hook us on to Microsoft Connect (portal where we can voice our feedback about a Microsoft product).

It’s simply this: Every Tuesday, Mark would link us to a feature feedback on Microsoft Connect portal, which require Dynamics GP End Users/Consultants/Developers to vote for it, so it would be worked upon by Microsoft and would get released on subsequent major releases of this product.

Starting with May 1st, 2012, he has already pointed out two features that cry for our attention and vote:

May 1st, 2012: Unit Account should have the option to clear at Year End

May 8th, 2012: Management Reporter should allow each column to have it’s own current rate

And many more to come.

Stay tuned to his blog for future Dynamic Future posts.


Microsoft Dynamics Most Influential People Top 100

Microsoft Dynamics Most Influential People Top 100 list is out on DynamicsWorld portal. Congrats for those who have made it to this list.

I could see some of those whom I follow/know very well:

Doug Kennedy (#4)Mark Polino (#20), Frank Hamelly (#67), Mariano Gomez (#66), Victoria Yudin (#93), Dhan Raj (#59), Eric Ernst (#15)

Congrats to you all. You all deserve to be there right on top.

Just my thoughts:

In my humble opinion, David Musgrave deserves to be in that list. I fail to understand how David, whom being so instrumental and influencing on a product that is Microsoft Dynamics GP, could not make it. Alright, it’s all about voting, I know. But still…

There is a whole bunch of community out there who religiously follow him when it comes to Dynamics GP & related technologies.


UPDATE (2012-05-10 7:00AM GMT +4.00)Echoing my thoughts are John Lowther and Jivtesh Singh. 


Updated Microsoft Dynamics GP Statement of Direction

I am a bit late in blogging about this, but better late than never. Microsoft has updated the Statement of Direction for Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Some important points worth to be highlighted are:

  1. Preview of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013
  2. Details about key investments to enhance GP as a product
  3. Updated Product Roadmap
  4. Microsoft Dynamics GP Support Commitment Information

You can download this document from PartnerSource and CustomerSource.


Decisions Spring 2012 – Registration Open

For those who are new to this, Decisions is a virtual conference which talks about Microsoft Dynamics products; one product a day. I shall leave the rest to be learned from the source site itself.

Time is arriving for Decisions Spring 2012.

We have featured speakers, including Mark Polino, Vjekoslav Babic, Mariano Gomez, Frank Hamelly and many more, talking about dynamics products and related technologies.

Register now for free (yes, free) and get immensely benefitted.


Microsoft Dynamics Cloud Services – Some Concerns & My Thoughts

This post is just an extension of what Janakiram (DynamicsBlogger) had posted. Microsoft Dynamics products line (CRM, AX, GP, NAV) are all heading towards Cloud. And Microsoft is quite serious about it for sure.

Janakiram had expressed some doubts (or concerns, if I may say) about this offering.

I would like to clarify these points as much as I can. I just happened to attend Microsoft Open Door Gulf event today and also have been closely watching this area (of Dynamics GP & Cloud model).

According to what I have understood:

1. Microsoft is NOT listing Dynamics GP as PUBLIC CLOUD enabled product at all. Having said that, Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Web Client is just a beginning to attract customers towards GP as an ERP. GP had long been considered as a stagnant product in terms of extended functionality or its technology. With this web client, both are now quashed.

Web Client will enable customers to get rid of several H/W & S/W costs. Terminal Server licenses will be immediately abolished, which will certainly save some hard cash for customers.

It also enable Partners top expand their business from being “mere Partners” to “Partners & SaaS Providers”, by allowing them to host Dynamics GP for customers. It’s going to be win-win situation, at least for another 5 years from the time Dynamics GP 2013 is released.

Hybrid Model? YES. That’s because you can have a private cloud on your environment and also you can have desktop clients. You can also have your GP data mirrored to your on-premise server and can have clients accessing that as well. It’s more like your Microsoft Office 365, wherein you can have your email server hosted on cloud and can also have the same being synchronized on your On-Premise server. Decision is up to customers.

Microsoft Dynamics GP Public Cloud is NOT going to be realized anytime soon.

2. Microsoft is not going to abolish the Dynamics Partners model at all (at least for another 10 years). That’s for sure. If you closely watch Microsoft Dynamics business, it’s always been Partners who have driven this and not Microsoft. Microsoft indeed has worked a lot on improving it’s Dynamics products but it’s always been partners who have taken these products to end customers.

Microsoft recently took a clean up act on Partners, by reducing the number of Partners and also downgrading some and also stripping their “Gold Certification”. MSFT also toughened the criteria for anyone to become a Microsoft Partner. This was both condemned as well as praised. Ultimately, the incidents of customers getting a negative impression with Microsoft Dynamics (& Partners) got a bit reduced.

But never did Microsoft take the implementation of Microsoft Dynamics Products from partners. Never ever.

You also have to have a Microsoft Partner to avail the license for any Microsoft Dynamics product. This is true for even Microsoft Office 365 implementation. We, as customers, can never get out of Partners anytime soon.

So Partners need not worry about.

3. Microsoft Dynamics GP has been a great product NOT because it’s great out-of-box. It’s because, it is flexible and can get extended by having proper and correct customizations. It also made easy for a customer to avail a Partner or Freelance Consultants or In-house Consultants to manage their GP environment with so many value added enhancements.

In my experience, I have never seen one single GP implementation without a single customization. Oh yes, there was indeed one, but that was for a Non-Profit company and they used ONLY GP Finance Module (GL, AP & AR) and that’s it. Trust me, that’s all about it.

Till now, GP never had a built-in, user-friendly, technology-friendly reporting tool (no offense intended to Report Writer). It supports external tools such as Crystal Reports, SSRS, etc., but that had to be CODED by consultants/developers to get it work. Not one single GP implementation was done without having to write one single Custom SQL Stored Procedure for any kind of business requirement. It’s not just GP. You take any ERP solution in current market. And you will certainly understand that, without additions, it’s highly impossible.

Why am I talking about this? Because, with cloud hosted GP, there comes several restrictions such as denial of access to SQL Server on which our GP data is going to lie. Oh well, we won’t even know on which server our data is hosted and in which country the server is located AT A GIVEN POINT OF TIME. In such cases, who will take care of extending our business requirements? It’s a big question, trust me.

Till we get an answer to the above question, no customer would ever want to go for a public cloud.

4. Consider that your GP is on cloud now, hosted by none other than Microsoft. Customers will gain A LOT. I mean it. I am a consultant and I still say that customers will gain a lot.

Why? Because they don’t have to worry about upgrades, backups, downtimes, H/W maintenances; well at least theoretically and also by agreement, they don’t have to.

Microsoft has ensured (and also boasting) that the uptime and availability is a staggering 99.99%. Which means A LOT for a customer. IT expenditures on backing up the data, preserving the H/W resources, upgrading H/W resources are all quashed.

As far as support is concerned, the only support that you may have with Microsoft, when you are on cloud, is the non-availability of the service itself. You won’t complain to them about a missing transaction. Worst case scenario, you may miss your entire company data due to a server crash or malfunction happened on their servers.

5. Cloud Services are a BIG PLUS for customers who have an unlimited & fast bandwidth internet connectivity. Not all countries (let alone cities) enjoy this. And this will play huge part on customers’ psyche. There are so many customers who pay for their data usage. For them, on premise cost would be less than data usage cost.

Even for customers who have a faster line connection, the upload bandwidth is still crazily low.

Simply, it’s not always possible for all customers.

Alright, I have much more that I can share with you about this. Above are all my understanding about this Cloud concept in accordance with the product Dynamics GP. I have been working on this product for 8 years now and my thoughts shared above are based on that.

I welcome you all (readers of this blog) to share your thoughts on this.